Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Another squash recipe

I thought I would try grilling some squash.  This recipe will need some tweaking---not as good as I hoped.  First, I cut the squash (I used one yellow squash and one smallish zucchini) into chunks and put it on a tray.  I drizzled olive oil on top and added sea salt and ground black pepper.

My dad had suggested to me to preheat the grill, and then when I was ready to put the squash on, turn the heat off under the squash and leave the other burner on.

The hamburgers turned out pretty good.....the squash was squishy and not crisp.  I also had trouble loosing squash through the grill.  I plan to try this again, but will use a grill basket.  Since I would like the squash to be more crisp, I will try limiting or maybe eliminating the olive oil and a little heat on the grill.

Here's my plate with a hamburger with melted cheese, grilled squash, and my Sun Chips.

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