Saturday, January 21, 2012

Toshiba Tablet

I got a new toy!  I have an Android tablet.  My hubby built himself a new computer recently and asked me if I wanted to upgrade my desktop computer.  My desktop is running Windows 95, so it's pretty old.  I told hubby that my computer works for what I use it for and I am perfectly happy with it.  He just chuckled.  We started to look at notebook computers and tablets for me.  I got the bug.  Then Woot had a good sale on the Toshiba Tablet, so we couldn't pass it up.  Check out a review here:

There has been quite a learning curve for me in setting it up and getting used to using it.  One of these days I will be able to use it to blog, too....but still like using my full size keyboard.

For now, I've been having fun trying out several new free aps.  I have a new air hockey game and this crazy thing were you can throw wadded up paper into a trash can.  I also entertained myself playing tic-tac-toe this afternoon and even won a couple of games.  I haven't tried the ever-popular Angry Birds as I'm afraid I just might get addicted to it.

I'd enjoy reading any comments about Android aps. or any tips you might want to share!