It seems kind of hard to believe that I am beginning my 16th year of teaching! I only have 16 more to go until I can retire! Oh, boy. This year, I went with a Hollywood theme and it's been pretty fun so far! My mom helped me shop for some material to use for the red curtains on this bulletin board.The material has small gold polka dots and is very cute! I will hang student work on this board in the hallway throughout the school year.
I brought my director's chair to school this year, and it is quite comfortable to sit in and read aloud or check my emails during planning time. I also added some decoration to the top of my whiteboard in the form of gold, silver, and black streamers.
For my Open House/Meet the Teacher night, I had a small gift for each family in the form of a bag of microwave popcorn with a note attached saying, "Thanks for popping in. Please come again! Mrs. Konecny, Room 134." I left it out, along with my parent info. packet (brochure) for the first day of school and handed them out to the parents who weren't able to attend Open House. I think it was a hit!
For the first day of school for my students, I put down a red carpet for them to walk on into the room and wore a fancy, black and sparkly dress. It was fun!
You are an amazing person,friend, and teacher. I love being able to read what you are doing for kids. I am so glad I had the opportunity to meet and work with you. I miss you daily. :)
Amie: THANKS, friend! I miss you, a lot, too! I learned much from you, especially about data and IB stuff.
I got several of my ideas from other teacher blogs and am really enjoying reading all these great ideas! It is getting a bit overwhelming, though. As I read one blog, there's a link to another blog and more resources, etc. LOL. I guess that's how we can keep education and our classrooms "fresh;" with new ideas to keep learning.
Boy, am I glad I posted these pictures on my blog! Due to some technical difficulties, I deleted the original files. I was able to save these to my computer and was no longer distraught.
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