Thursday, December 29, 2011

Reading Marathon

Check out this AWESOME idea I just read on another blog!  I'm putting it in my lesson plans for the first week back from Christmas Break!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What'd ya get for Christmas?

I remember when I was younger and all of my cousins would get together at my Grandma's house for Christmas Day in the afternoon.  The first thing we did was compare what gifts we got at Christmas.  Shouts of, "What'd ya get for Christmas?" filled the living room and were followed by, "What was your favorite gift?"

I still enjoy getting gifts, but find joy in GIVING.  It's a challenge for me to find "just the perfect gift" for the ones I love and an even bigger challenge to keep it a secret until they open the gift.  I get SO excited!  *Do any of my blogger friends have suggestions as to how you can find "the perfect gift?"  Do you ask the person for a list?  Do you spy on them?  What do you do? * 

One of my favorite gifts this year was from Patrick.  A Fancy Nancy doll.  She is a character from children's books written by Jane O'Connor.  He worked to find a Fancy Nancy doll who has a purple skirt and is adorable.  He would ask me, "Is there a CERTAIN Fancy Nancy doll you want?"  Apparently, there are many to chose from along with many outfits.  Here's a picture of her with her Christmas book I purchased the day after Christmas at 50% off with a gift card from Barnes and Noble and a book that Patrick gave me.

So, the kid in me still wants to ask, "What'd ya get for Christmas?"  If you would like to share, please post a comment on here!  

I wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Reindeer Cam

Check this out!!  Pretty neat!  I would like to watch sometime during feeding time.  May have to just do this at school with my students so we can see feeding time. :)


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Motivation? Is that something you can buy online?

I can hardly believe that today is December 8!  I should be grading papers right now, but can't seem to make myself do it.  I have been feeling somewhat....what's the word I am looking for....upset at all the time my job is taking.  I work nearly every night until 5 or 6pm and then still have papers to grade.  (Now, that's 2-3 hours per day "over time" without pay.)  One would think that after doing this job for 15+ years, I'd have a better system, right?  That's what my Dad thinks. I don't want to sound like I am just complaining, especially at this time of year.  I just can't seem to find the motivation to get it all done.  It's like I'm thinking, "Well, I've already worked 2 hours extra planning and preparing and getting things ready. I'm tired.  Why should I have to work more?"  Well, because there is more to get done!   Last night, I just enjoyed sitting in front of the TV for two hours, not thinking or worrying about everything that isn't getting done.  (sigh)

Well, maybe now that I've gotten that out of my system, I can get something done.  LOL

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Fall Freak Attends Awesome Concert

This Fall Freak (me) was delighted when my dad told me that the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band was going to play a concert at the Bartlett Arboretum!  My parents, husband, and I purchased our tickets and awaited the special day.

The day was a simply beautiful day---crisp, Fall weather, but not TOO cold.  The Arb was at it's fall best---I don't think I've ever seen such beautiful trees!  I don't know what I was thinking when I did not take my "good" camera along with me, but was able to shoot a few shots with my little camera I carry in my purse.

Can you imagine living in this house?  With this scene as your "back yard?"  I'm SO jealous!

In this next shot, you can see just how low the pond is---Kansas has had a bad year for precipitation---we are in desperate need of rain.  Even so, it is still beautiful!

All four of us had a good time at the concert; I even caught my dad tapping his foot in time to the music once or twice.   Check out this link to see some better pictures and notes: .

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Bat Exchange, you know, like flying mammals!

Have you  heard of a poly com?  Well, I had not until very recently.  Essentially, it is similar to video chatting.  My school has a poly com system and one of our technology specialists in my district asked me if I would like to participate in a "Bat Exchange."  I said, "why not?"   So here's what we did:
  1. My students constructed a bat using black construction paper, googly eyes, and their imaginations.
  2. Each student then wrote a descriptive paragraph about his/her own bat.
  3. Another 2nd grade classroom across town did the same thing.
  4. Each teacher snail-mailed the bats to the other teacher.
  5. We set up a date & time to poly com; we chose Halloween Day.
  6. Each classroom took turns reading a description of a bat while the other room tried to find the bat based on the description.
It was such fun!  I let my district media department know about the exchange and I was visited by Susan Arnsemen who witnessed the event, took pictures, and put an article on the Wichita USD 259 website.  My class is "famous!"  Wichita Public Schools Newsroom Events

I hope that we can do similar events in the future as well as different poly com events.

Following is a picture of Ms. West's class's bats all laid out on the floor of my classroom.  As one of her students would read their description, we would find it.

Below is a picture of my SmartBoard where we could see the other classroom on the poly com.  It is super fun using technology in my classroom!


Sunday, October 9, 2011

I got to fly the plane!

On Saturday, October 1, the Cessna Flying Club had an Open House for the employees and families of Cessna Aircraft.  Since Patrick is a Cessna employee, we attended the event with his mom and my parents.  Patrick and his mom had a "discovery flight" in a Cessna 172 and my mom and I had our "discovery flight" in a Cessna 206 (we got the bigger plane). 

My mom told our pilot it was my first flight (in a single engine plane) and he let me sit in the front and said he would let me fly the plane.  I was thinking, "Oh, ok, it will be like the time I was 10 years old on a riverboat in Waco, TX and they 'say' you can drive the boat, but you just get to put your hands on the wheel and it does nothing." 

The pilot introduced himself as Dale and said it was his first solo flight and he would try to get us up and back safely.  So I commented, "Well, since it's my first flight,  I'll try not to puke on your instrument panel."   We were off to a roaring start.    Dale mentioned that the little girl who had just gotten off the plane as I was boarding had just had her first flight and he was going to be in SO much trouble.  I asked him, "Why?"  He said that her mom doesn't like flying and her dad had brought her without mom's permission, then Dale let her fly the plane.  He says, "Now she'll never be able to keep that a secret!"

After we got up in the air and heading in the direction we wanted to go, Dale gave me some instructions, we adjusted my seat forward and said, "take over."  So I actually did get to fly the plane and made 3 left-hand turns in the air.  One of my turns was about 28 degrees and Patrick explained later that I had taken a pretty sharp turn, there.  :)  I LOVED it!  I may have the flying bug!  The first thing out of my mouth when I saw Patrick on land was, "When are you going to get your pilot's license?"  Followed by, "I wanna go again!!"

I was excited for about 2-3 days after the flight.  I told Patrick he'd better email Dale (who is really a test pilot and has had LOTS of flying experience) and explain JUST how much trouble he really is in!  Dale got two "little girls" hooked on flying in one day!

Pilot Kimberly

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Coming Attractions!

Coming soon you will read about my students' I.B. (International Baccalaureate) projects and our school's Pinwheels for Peace project.  I have been busy the past few weeks getting back into the routine of teaching and helping my teammate's substitute (my teammate is on maternity leave).  This week, I have parent-teacher conferences, so may have a few extra minutes to squeeze in some blogging...I hope (but that's probably being optimistic, right?). :)

I plan to add some video, too....which is what has been holding up my blogging.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Back to School!

It seems kind of hard to believe that I am beginning my 16th year of teaching!  I only have 16 more to go until I can retire!  Oh, boy.  This year, I went with a Hollywood theme and it's been pretty fun so far!  My mom helped me shop for some material to use for the red curtains on this bulletin board.The material has small gold polka dots and is very cute!  I will hang student work on this board in the hallway throughout the school year.

I brought my director's chair to school this year, and it is quite comfortable to sit in and read aloud or check my emails during planning time. I also added some decoration to the top of my whiteboard in the form of gold, silver, and black streamers.

For my Open House/Meet the Teacher night, I had a small gift for each family in the form of a bag of microwave popcorn with a note attached saying, "Thanks for popping in. Please come again!  Mrs. Konecny, Room 134."  I left it out, along with my parent info. packet (brochure) for the first day of school and handed them out to the parents who weren't able to attend Open House.  I think it was a hit!

 For the first day of school for my students, I put down a red carpet for them to walk on into the room and wore a fancy, black and sparkly dress.  It was fun!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Parental Controls on my Internet Access?

In talking with Patrick today, I told him that I may have a "problem."  I have been reading lots of teacher blogs and finding all kinds of resources.  I have found a couple of "pay" sites where I have downloaded resources for my Hollywood theme for my classroom.  He suggested we put parental controls on my Internet so I can't buy any more teacher stuff.  Oh, well.  Then Patrick said he may have to call my Dad to come over here and do it...ha ha...since he's my parent.

Over the last week and half or so, I have posted several teacher links on my facebook page.  Some blogs and web sites I have found helpful are listed below.   Teachers Pay Teachers for stuff they have created--reasonable prices and most are basically "instant" downloads after your payment has gone through.  An AWESOME blog!  Lots of archived stuff, too.  And one more AWESOME teacher blog!  I got tons of ideas here.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Another squash recipe

I thought I would try grilling some squash.  This recipe will need some tweaking---not as good as I hoped.  First, I cut the squash (I used one yellow squash and one smallish zucchini) into chunks and put it on a tray.  I drizzled olive oil on top and added sea salt and ground black pepper.

My dad had suggested to me to preheat the grill, and then when I was ready to put the squash on, turn the heat off under the squash and leave the other burner on.

The hamburgers turned out pretty good.....the squash was squishy and not crisp.  I also had trouble loosing squash through the grill.  I plan to try this again, but will use a grill basket.  Since I would like the squash to be more crisp, I will try limiting or maybe eliminating the olive oil and a little heat on the grill.

Here's my plate with a hamburger with melted cheese, grilled squash, and my Sun Chips.

Friday, July 22, 2011


On Thursday, July 21, I tried a new recipe for supper.  Now, copying is the best form of flattery, right?  I just LOVE the The Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond and even have her cookbook.  She makes the BEST foods and takes a picture of every step during the cooking process.  This is great for inexperienced cooks like me.  I followed her lead, but didn't take pictures of EVERY step in the process.

This is how I made Stuffed Squash for supper.  The recipe is a concoction from my dad and me.
First, I bought a yellow squash from a local (Rose Hill) gardener and purchased hamburger meat from the grocery store.

Next, I cut the squash in half and scooped out the seeds.  Be careful when scooping out the seeds that you don't go too deep and get to the meat of the want to eat that later with dinner. You will need to fry up the hamburger.  I had mine simmering while I was scooping seeds.  I seasoned the hamburger meat with sea salt, ground black pepper, and Italian seasoning.  (Sorry, no picture of simmering meat.)

Next, spray the inside of the squash with spray Pam.  My Dad said this would keep it nice since every part of the squash wouldn't be covered with hamburger meat.  The next step is to spoon the hamburger meat into the squash.  Originally, I was going to bake this in the oven at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes, but since it was so hot, I asked my dad for an alternative.  He looked in a microwave cookbook, and we settled on a cooking time of about 7 minutes total.

I put the two halves on a dinner plate as it fits nicely into my small microwave.  I cooked the squash and hamburger for about 3 1/2 minutes, then checked the squash with a knife.  It wasn't quite as soft as I wanted, so I added some Parmesan cheese to the top and returned it to the microwave for about 4 minutes.  I did put a paper towel on top of the squash as it cooked in the microwave.

I found some slightly old hamburger buns on the counter and decided that would be nice grilled with the squash.  I put butter and some Parmesan cheese on the bread and grilled it on my electric skillet.  Below is the final dinner plate.  It was yummy, and Patrick even ate it without complaint. His main comment was, "Well, it's hard to keep the hamburger meat on the squash when you cut it to eat it."  He was using a knife and fork and I ate mine with a spoon, scraping the squash out.  Not sure which is the best way to "attack" this meal.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fourth of July Weekend Trip

You won't believe this story--so I've got to tell it.  The plan for the weekend was to celebrate my dad's birthday on Friday, July 1 and then Patrick and I would take his mom with us to QuaPaw, Oklahoma for the annual QuaPaw Pow Wow from Saturday, July 2 --Tuesday, July 5.

Ok, so the birthday dinner was great with my parents and Patrick in Rose Hill.

On Saturday, the 3 Konecnys (3 Amigos?) left for QuaPaw.  We had reservations to stay at the Buffalo Run Hotel in Miami, OK, since the Downstream Hotel/Casino was booked up.  Now, Miami is not far from the Pow Wow grounds, but too far to walk.  And Buffalo Run hotel/casino was in the middle of NO-WHERE and too far to walk to town (Miami) and the pow wow.  We got to the hotel, got our room keys, unloaded the car.....came back to go get some supper and the car wouldn't start.  Yep.  8pm on Saturday of a holiday weekend where everything is closed until Tuesday.  Not good.  AAA couldn't even help us.  So, we missed the pow wow on day 1 (my dad's b-day) and we missed the pow wow on day 2 (car trouble). 

To make the long story a little shorter.....we got a tow (from AAA) on Sunday morning to O'Reily Auto Parts in Miami.  They let Patrick use their tools and even brought him a bottle of water after he was there an hour.  It was my car battery that had died...and thanfully, that was all.  But my car battery isn't simple to is located behind a panel in the right wheel well. Yep.  Not good.  Took Patrick over an hour total to get the old battery out and the new one in...and he had never done that kind before but he did it!  I am SO proud of him!  Pat Ann and I told him that he is our HERO! 

Pow wow day 3---Patrick and I had tickets to see The Steve Miller Band at Downstream, so we were not planning to go to the pow wow.  The concert was GREAT and there was a fireworks show after-wards.  We had 3-D fans to look through and I caught some video.  At the time, we didn't know it, but the pow wow was rained out and didn't finish all the contests.

Pow wow day 4; Monday, July 4-- It was scheduled to begin at 8pm with a last grand entry, several dance contests, and the awards.  Pat Ann had seen the pow wow on the news the night before and it was really crowded, so we figured we would go about 5:30 or 6pm and could eat and look at the vendors.  Remember how I mentioned that day 3 was rained out.....well, they had rescheduled for 3pm on Monday and we didn't know it.  They finished everything before we got there at 6pm.  So, basically, we missed the whole pow wow.  Sheez.  It wasn't for lack of trying!  We did get to see the chicken dance, the awards, and a 49 contest.  We are planning on trying again next year to see the pow wow!

On the way home, we stopped in Dexter, KS at Henry's Candy Company.  This candy store made the O'Henry's bar.  I am pictured with my bag of candy below along with a few pictures from the weekend.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Motivation to Exercise

Ok, blogger friends, I want to pose a question:  How do you stay motivated to exercise?

Right now, I don't have "an exercise buddy" that is located near me who I can go with and I can very easily talk myself out of exercising.

Here's a list of things I've tried and they either don't work for me or I've lost interest or I may try again.

  • Daily walks with the dog
  • Keeping an exercise journal on my computer
  • Keeping an exercise chart (on paper)
  • Playing the Wii
  • Being accountable to a friend
  • Have a contest with Mom (how many minutes a day each person did since we like different activities and can't go together)
Please post your ideas!  :)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Weekend in Kansas City Area

Patrick and I were invited to attend a friend's wedding at Belvoir Winery in Liberty, MO.  It was a beautiful place!  We stayed the rest of the weekend and spent time shopping at Legends Mall and attending a Royals baseball game.