Sunday, November 18, 2012

Violin Lessons

This school year has been a challenge, to say the least, as you may have guessed by my lack of posts.  My school had a big population growth due to our district's changed boundaries.  We are a "priority watch" school which means our test scores are very low.  The second grade (which is what I teach) in my building has the highest number of office referrals in my building from all the grades K-8.  So, you may imagine how busy I have been.

In late August, Patrick found a Groupon for a place called  Vance Music.  In an effort to do something for myself that would be relaxing, I began violin lessons on August 20.  This is not the first time I have taken violin lessons. 

I began learning to play in the 4th grade at my public elementary school.  (Our district has made cut backs and now instrumental music doesn't begin until 6th grade.)  I played seriously until I was in the 7th grade.  I had many opportunities and experiences; I participated in several honor orchestras even traveling to Manhattan, KS to participate in a weekend honor orchestra performance.  Once in high school, I pursued other interested and only picked up my violin occasionally.  So, it has been over 20 years since I practiced and played on a regular basis.

At Vance Music, they hold a monthly recital.  Today was my third recital, but the first time I had memorized my song.  The song is a fiddle tune called, "Larry O'Gaff."  I played it better at home with no mistakes, but it's not too bad considering it's the first time I've performed from memory.