Thursday, December 29, 2011

Reading Marathon

Check out this AWESOME idea I just read on another blog!  I'm putting it in my lesson plans for the first week back from Christmas Break!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What'd ya get for Christmas?

I remember when I was younger and all of my cousins would get together at my Grandma's house for Christmas Day in the afternoon.  The first thing we did was compare what gifts we got at Christmas.  Shouts of, "What'd ya get for Christmas?" filled the living room and were followed by, "What was your favorite gift?"

I still enjoy getting gifts, but find joy in GIVING.  It's a challenge for me to find "just the perfect gift" for the ones I love and an even bigger challenge to keep it a secret until they open the gift.  I get SO excited!  *Do any of my blogger friends have suggestions as to how you can find "the perfect gift?"  Do you ask the person for a list?  Do you spy on them?  What do you do? * 

One of my favorite gifts this year was from Patrick.  A Fancy Nancy doll.  She is a character from children's books written by Jane O'Connor.  He worked to find a Fancy Nancy doll who has a purple skirt and is adorable.  He would ask me, "Is there a CERTAIN Fancy Nancy doll you want?"  Apparently, there are many to chose from along with many outfits.  Here's a picture of her with her Christmas book I purchased the day after Christmas at 50% off with a gift card from Barnes and Noble and a book that Patrick gave me.

So, the kid in me still wants to ask, "What'd ya get for Christmas?"  If you would like to share, please post a comment on here!  

I wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Reindeer Cam

Check this out!!  Pretty neat!  I would like to watch sometime during feeding time.  May have to just do this at school with my students so we can see feeding time. :)


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Motivation? Is that something you can buy online?

I can hardly believe that today is December 8!  I should be grading papers right now, but can't seem to make myself do it.  I have been feeling somewhat....what's the word I am looking for....upset at all the time my job is taking.  I work nearly every night until 5 or 6pm and then still have papers to grade.  (Now, that's 2-3 hours per day "over time" without pay.)  One would think that after doing this job for 15+ years, I'd have a better system, right?  That's what my Dad thinks. I don't want to sound like I am just complaining, especially at this time of year.  I just can't seem to find the motivation to get it all done.  It's like I'm thinking, "Well, I've already worked 2 hours extra planning and preparing and getting things ready. I'm tired.  Why should I have to work more?"  Well, because there is more to get done!   Last night, I just enjoyed sitting in front of the TV for two hours, not thinking or worrying about everything that isn't getting done.  (sigh)

Well, maybe now that I've gotten that out of my system, I can get something done.  LOL